This section will contain MCQs from Chapter 1 part 1: Introduction from Richard Saferstein’s book titled Criminalistics and Forensic Science.  All the MCQs are personally made by the authors of

Note: Check more MCQs from the Criminalistics book by Richard Saferstein

1. Forensic science is the application of science to _____ law(s).

  1. Criminal law only
  2. Civil law only
  3. Both criminal and civil law
  4. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

2. Which is the largest forensic science organization in the world?

  1. AAFS
  2. AFIS
  3. CBI
  4. ASFS

Answer and Explanation

3. As per the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), how many sections of professions practicing in Forensic Science?

  1. Eight
  2. Nine
  3. Ten
  4. Eleven

Answer and Explanation

4. Which of the following list of professions is not exclusive to the AAFS list?

  1. Fingerprint examination
  2. Firearm and toolmarks
  3. Photography
  4. All of the above

Answer and Explanation

5. Which of the following statement define the term “CSI effect”?

  1. Nausea and dizziness by crime scene investigators on their first visit.
  2. Unrealistic expectations of forensic science for solving a case.
  3. Why crime happens in a certain condition
  4. Crime scene investigators influences in solving the case.

Answer and Explanation

6. Who authored the very first forensic science novel based on the Sherlock Holmes character?

  1. Sir Arthur Holmes Doyle
  2. Sir Arthur Brown Doyle
  3. Sir Arthur Walker Doyle
  4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


7. Which was the first Sherlock Holmes-based novel published?

  1. A Valueless Stain in Scarlet
  2. A Study in Scarlet
  3. A Holmes in Scarlet
  4. Finding truth: The Holmes in Scarlet


8. When was the first Sherlock Holmes novel was published?

  1. 1887
  2. 1888
  3. 1889
  4. 1901

Answer and Explanation

9. Who is considered the father of forensic toxicology?

  1. Mathieu Orfila
  2. Francis Galton
  3. Alponse Bertillon
  4. Leone Lattes

Answer and Explanation

10. Who was known to be the first to use any scientific system of personal identification?

  1. Francis Galton
  2. Alphonse Bertillon
  3. Albert S. Osborn
  4. Edmond Locard

Answer and Explanation

11. Who was the first to study fingerprints for personal identification?

  1. Francis Galton
  2. Alphonse Bertillon
  3. Albert S. Osborn
  4. Edmond Locard

Answer and Explanation

12. When Galton’s book “Finger Prints” was first published?

  1. 1857
  2. 1882
  3. 1887
  4. 1892

Answer and Explanation

13. Who is also known as the father of criminal identification?

  1. Francis Galton
  2. Alphonse Bertillon
  3. Albert S. Osborn
  4. Edmond Locard

Answer and Explanation

14. Who discovered blood grouping can be used for individual identification?

  1. Carl Lattes
  2. Leone Lattes
  3. Gregor Lattes
  4. Antonie Van Lattes

Answer and Explanation

15. In 1915, who deduced a simpler procedure for the determination of blood group using a dried bloodstain?

  1. Leone Lattes
  2. Rachel Carson
  3. Charles Darwin
  4. Robert Hooke

Answer and Explanation

16. _____________, a US Army colonel who introduced bullet comparison using a comparison microscope?

  1. Albert S. Osborn
  2. Hans Gross
  3. Calvin Goddard
  4. Edmond Locard


17. Who is credited for the acceptance of documents as scientific evidence by courts?

  1. Hans Gross
  2. Calvin Goddard
  3. Edmond Locard
  4. Albert S. Osborn

Answer and Explanation

19. When the Osborn book, “Questioned Documents” was published?

  1. 1900
  2. 1901
  3. 1910
  4. 1911


20. The fundamental principles of document examination were given by:

  1. Hans Gross
  2. Walter C. Mccrone
  3. Edmond Locard
  4. Albert S. Osborn


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