Note: This whole section is a part of Forensic Chemistry MCQs that includes topics such are arson, petroleum, and explosive products. These are made specifically for the preparation of NTA UGC NET and University entrance tests.

1. Arson is

  1. Fire due to accident
  2. Fire caused deliberately with malicious intention
  3. Fire caused by Diwali Fireworks
  4. Bush Fires Caused By lighting

Answer and Explanation

2. Which of the following is the most common cause of arson?

  1. Insurance fraud
  2. Pyromania
  3. Revenge
  4. Vandalism

Answer and Explanation

3. The correct sequence of events of the firing process in order of occurrence is

  1. Free burning, incipient, smoldering
  2. Smoldering, free burning, incipient
  3. Free burning, smoldering, incipient
  4. Incipient, free burning, smoldering

Answer and Explanation

4. The fundamental chemical reaction for fire initiation is

  1. Hydroxylation
  2. Oxidation
  3. Combustion
  4. Ignition

Answer and Explanation

5. An oxidation-reduction reaction involved a change in the____________ state of a molecule

  1. Chemical
  2. Physical
  3. Oxidation
  4. Precipitation

Answer and Explanation

6. Debris material collected from arson crime scene should be packed in

  1. Sealed paper bag
  2. Plastic bag
  3. Cloth bag
  4. Metal box with a tight lid

Answer and Explanation

7. The minimum temperature at which a volatile compound forms flammable vapors that can ignite from an external source is called

  1. Fire Point
  2. Flash Point
  3. Ignition point
  4. Pout Point


8. The lowest temperature at which a volatile compound forms enough flammable vapor that on ignition from an external source, its burning continues

  1. Fire Point
  2. Flash Point
  3. Ignition point
  4. Pout Point


9. Assertion (A): Flashpoint of a liquid is always greater than the fire point
Reason (R): Fire points need more external heat to form enough vapors to continue burning.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are  correct
  2. Both (A) and (R) are wrong
  3. Only (A) is correct and (R) is wrong
  4. Only (R) is correct and (A) is wrong

Answer and Explanation

10. The temperature at which a volatile compound forms an ignitable vapor mixture in the air that burns by an external source for 5 seconds or less is considered to be:

  1. Fire Point
  2. Flash Point
  3. Ignition point
  4. Pout Point

Answer and Explanation

11. Which of the following apparatus is used for the determination of flashpoints?

  1. Cleveland open cup
  2. Pensky Martin closed the cup
  3. Abel apparatus
  4. All of the above

Answer and Explanation

12. Which of the following apparatus has equilibrium between ignitable vapors with liquid?

  1. Close up Flashpoint Apparatus
  2. Open up Flashpoint Apparatus
  3. Equilibrium Flashpoint apparatus
  4. Both (1) and (2) 

Answer and Explanation

13. Which of the following apparatus are used to determine the fire point of a petroleum product?

  1. Cleveland open cup
  2. Knocking open cup
  3. CMT
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer and Explanation

14. The lowest temperature at which a volatile material ignites itself without the help of any external flame or ignition source is called

  1. Fire Point
  2. Flash Point
  3. Ignition point
  4. Pout Point

Answer and Explanation

15. Arrange the following in descending order of temperatures.

  1. Fire point> Flash Point> Ignition point
  2. Flash Point> Ignition point> Fire point
  3. Ignition point> Fire point> Flash point
  4. Ignition point> Flash point> Fire point


16. What is the flashpoint of highly flammable petroleum products?

  1. Flashpoint below 0°C
  2. Flashpoint below 21°C
  3. Flashpoint below 55°C
  4. All of the above

Answer and Explanation

17. Which of the following patterns at the point of origin of fire indicates the possibility of interior fire?

  1. O pattern
  2. L pattern
  3. V pattern
  4. T pattern


Note: Jump to the main page of Forensic Chemistry MCQs for systematic learning.

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  1. Junaid Javaid says:

    check question 9. the answer and explanation do not match

    1. Hi Junaid, I didn’t find any irrelevancy in the explanation. Don’t confuse fire point with flashpoint.