Octadecyl (ODS)Reversed-phase extraction of non-polar compoundsDrugs, oils, food preservatives, vitamins, plasticizers, pesticides, and hydrocarbons in question extracts
OctylReversed-phase extraction of moderately polar compounds and compounds too strongly absorbed by octadecylPriority pollutants, pesticides in aqueous extracts.
PhenylReversed-phase extraction of non-polar compounds. Provides less retention of hydrophobic compoundsNot widely used
CyanopropylNormal phase extraction of polar compoundsAmines, alcohols, dyes, vitamins, phenols from aqueous or organic extracts
SilicaAdsorption of polar compoundsDrugs, alkaloids, mycotoxins, amino acids, flavonoids, heterocycles, lipids, steroids, organic acids, terpenes, vitamins, from organic extracts.
DiolNormal phase extraction polar compounds (similar to silica)Proteins, peptides, surfactants from organic extracts.
AminopropylWeak anion exchange extractionCarbohydrates, peptides, nucleotides, steroids, vitamins.
Quarternary aminesStrong anion-exchanges extractionsAntibiotics, nucleotides, nucleic acids for aqueous or organic extracts.

Reference: Trace Analysis A Structured Approach to Obtaining Reliable Results By Peter Bedson, Namik K. Aras, Mike Sargent, Peter W. Shallis

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