Note: You can check the index page of Forensic Medicine MCQs for more MCQs in field of Forensic Science and for preparation of NTA UGC NET/JRF, FACT, NEET, AIIMS, DU and NFSU Entrance Exams.

1. Fracture of a terminal phalanx of a little finger is a:

  1. Simple injury
  2. Dangerous injury
  3. Grievous injury
  4. Serious injury

Answer and Explanation

2. Blackening and Tattooing of skin and clothing can be best demonstrated by:

  1. Luminol spray
  2. Infrared photography
  3. Ultraviolet light
  4. Magnifying lens

Answer and Explanation

3. Assertion (A): Multiple fractures of a bone are grievously hurt.

Reason (R): Because it is mentioned in sec. 320 I.P.C.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are true
  2. Both are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  3. (A) is true but (R) is false
  4. (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer and Explanation

4. Which of the following is not a grievous hurt under Indian law?

  1. Cutting off artificially constructed male genitalia.
  2. Clitoridectomy
  3. Retinal detachment
  4. Bleeding of 200 ml

Answer and Explanation

5. Which of the following wounds/injuries does not amount to grievous hurt?

  1. Permanent loss of hearing
  2. Fracture of a bone
  3. Black eye (Racoon eye)
  4. Permanent disfiguration of face

Answer and Explanation

6. Grievous hurt as mentioned in Indian Law comprises all except

  1. Emasculation
  2. Complete shaving of scalp hair
  3. Fracture or dislocation of bone or tooth
  4. Any hurt which endangers life

Answer and Explanation

7. Iatrogenic injuries are

  1. Produced by self
  2. Produced during defense
  3. Produced by doctors
  4. Produced by unqualified quacks


8. The wound made by a surgeon is known as

  1. Incised wound
  2. Iatrogenic wound
  3. Offensive wound
  4. Defense wound

Answer and Explanation

9. Assertion (A): Injury penetrating the dermal layer, through dermal papillae, would result in ridges not being regenerated.

Reason (R): Injury penetrating to the epidermal layer would repair themselves as they were prior to the injury.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  3. (A) is true but (R) is false
  4. (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer and Explanation

10. In which of the following injuries foreign bodies are not found?

  1. Grazed abrasion
  2. Chop wound
  3. Lacerated wound
  4. Contusions

Answer and Explanation

11. The following factors do not influence in the formation of a bruise:

  1. Force used
  2. Sex of a person
  3. Age of a person
  4. Color of a person

Answer and Explanation

12. Match an item in one list with an item in the other:

(a) Circular bruise(i) Thorn
(b) Perforating Injury(ii) Cane
(c) Scratch(iii) Cricket ball
(d) Tramline contusion(iv) Sword

Answer and Explanation

13. The color of a two-day-old bloodstain is:

  1. Brown
  2. Blue
  3. Red
  4. Yellow

Answer and Explanation

14. The wound is passing through and through of the body is called:

  1. Incised
  2. Lacerated
  3. Stab
  4. Perforated

Answer and Explanation

15. Match

(a) Injuries Suicidal(I) Fatal wounds on chest, abdomen, head and would not include non-fatal defense wound
(b) Homicidal(II) Received by victims mostly on hands
(c) Defense(III) Hesitation cut
(d) Self-inflected(IV) Caused by self

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:



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