Note: For systematic learning of Forensic Glass Examination, you can jump to the main page of Trace Evidence MCQs sections.

1. Glass evidence is considered :

  1. Individual evidence
  2. Class evidence
  3. Sometimes individual, sometimes class depending on the circumstances
  4. Not very good evidence because it’s everywhere


2. ____________ is a supercooled amorphous solid-liquid which has attained so high viscosity as to be considered as solid.

  1. Plastics
  2. Glass
  3. Acrylic fiber
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer and Explanation

3. Anisotropic materials have

  1. Single refractive index
  2. Two or three principle refractive indices
  3. No refractive index
  4. None of the above

Answer and Explanation

4. Which of the following is the most prevalent form of glass?

  1. Borosilicate glass
  2. Soda Lime glass
  3. Tempered glass
  4. Laminated glass


5. The approximate weight percent of SiO2 in borosilicate glass is:

  1. 40%
  2. 50%
  3. 60%
  4. 80%


6. Following are the components of soda lime glass, except:

  1. Calcium hydroxide
  2. Silicon dioxide
  3. Sodium oxide
  4. Calcium oxide


7. The most abundant compound in soda lime glass is:

  1. Silicon dioxide
  2. Sodium oxide
  3. Calcium oxide
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer and Explanation

8. In borosilicate glass, silica is at higher percentage, and second most shares by:

  1. Lead oxide        
  2. Aluminum oxide
  3. Boron trioxide 
  4. Magnesium oxide

Answer and Explanation

9. Low borate borosilicate glass contains boron trioxide in range of:

  1. 2 to 3%
  2. 4 to 8%
  3. 7 to 13%
  4. 12 to 15%

Answer and Explanation

10. High borate borosilicate glass contains boron trioxide in range of:

  1. 15% to 27%
  2. 18% to 27%
  3. 20% to 27%
  4. 25% to 30%

Answer and Explanation

11. Controlled Pore Glasses are widely used in

  1. Chromatography
  2. IR spectroscopy
  3. NMR
  4. Atomic Absorption spectra quartz

Answer and Explanation

12. In soda-lime glass, the main purpose of adding calcium oxide is:

  1. To increase the thermal expansion
  2. To decrease the the alkali fumes
  3. To make the glass surface crossed linked for white glass formation
  4. To improve the insolubility of sodium ions

Answer and Explanation

13. For the recycling process, glass is crushed into a sand-like substance called

  1. Dices
  2. Cartein
  3. Cullet
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer and Explanation

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