Most of the questions are random to match the condition and environment of the examination paper. This will help to acquire your thinking skill more than arranged MCQs.

Note: This section included MCQs related to General Forensic Science topics including crime scene investigation, laws, principles, and contributors to Forensic science.

1. Which of the following is the first thing to be done by a Crime Scene Investigator at a crime scene?

  1. Preliminary examination of the scene
  2. Retaining the suspects
  3. Asking for medical assistance for injured at the crime scene
  4. Collecting the evidence


2. The principle of exchange was enunciated by:

  1. Land Steiner
  2. Locard
  3. Osborn
  4. Jeffery

Answer and Explanation

3. Physical evidence at the scene of the crime should be collected in the presence of:

  1. Relatives of the victim        
  2. One independent witness
  3. Two independent witnesses      
  4. Magistrate


4. The objective of any crime scene investigation follows the given sequence:

  1. Collect, preserve, recognize, interpret and reconstruct
  2. Recognize, preserve, collect, interpret and reconstruct
  3. Collect, interpret, preserve, recognize and reconstruct
  4. Preserve, collect, interpret, recognize and reconstruct


5. Which of the following is the least reliable source of evidence?

  1. DNA
  2. Fingerprints
  3. Eye witness
  4. Blood


6. In general, any evidence is admissible in court, if it is

  1. Relevant but not competent
  2. Non-relevant but competent
  3. Found at the crime scene
  4. Relevant and competent


7. The ideal method of collecting and packing physical evidence for its transportation to a forensic science laboratory mainly depends on:

  1. Nature of transportation available
  2. Nature of evidence
  3. Nature of investigator
  4. Nature of scene of the crime


8. Arrange the following in the correct sequence:

(a) Careful collection of evidence
(b) Deciding the search pattern
(c) Preservation and packaging the evidence
(d) Preservation and protecting the scene

  1. (d), (b), (c), (a)
  2. (b), (a), (d), (c)
  3. (d), (b), (a), (c)
  4. (b), (a), (d), (c)


9. If the evidence at the crime scene is contaminated, the investigator must do which of the following :

  1. Decontaminate the evidence
  2. Must record this fact
  3. Destroy the evidence
  4. Bring the fact to the notice of superior


10. Arrange the following evidence types in the correct order of priority for collection and preservation at a crime scene:

A. Documentary
B. Transient
C. Latent
D. Biological

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. D, A, B, C
  2. B, D, A, C
  3. C, D, B, A
  4. A, C, D, B


11. A bullet is found by a medical officer while conducting a post-mortem examination. Which of the following is the most appropriate?

  1. Medical officer takes it out by a metallic tweezer, seals it in a glass bottle, puts the case details on the outside of the bottle, hands it over to the investigating officer, and obtains his signatures.
  2. Medical officer takes it out by his hands, seals it in a glass bottle, puts the case details on the outside of the bottle, hands it over to the investigating officer, and obtains his signatures.
  3. Medical officer takes it out by his hands, puts his signatures on the bearing surface of the bullet, seals it in a glass bottle, puts the case details on the outside of the bottle, hands it over to the investigating officer, and obtains his signatures.
  4. Medical officer takes it out by a metallic tweezer, puts his signatures on the bearing surface of the bullet, seals it in a glass bottle, puts the case details on the outside of the bottle, hands it over to the investigating officer, and obtains his signatures.

Answer and Explanation

12. The tasks of the first responding officer at a crime scene are the following:

(a) Medical assistance to the victim
(b) Apprehension of the suspect from the scene or in the vicinity
(c) Protection of the crime scene
(d) Collection of evidence from the crime scene

In the context of the above, choose the correct combination

  1. Only (a) and (b) are correct
  2. Only (b) and (d) are correct
  3. Only (a), (b) and (c) are correct
  4. Only (a), (c) and (d) are correct


13. Which of the following items should be available for crime scene security?

  1. Scale
  2. Camera
  3. Tweezers and forceps
  4. Crime scene barrier tape

Answer and Explanation

14. In connection with a crime scene sketch, which of the following is correct?

  1. Distances can be measured by steps.
  2. Small distances, for example, distance between a firearm and victim, can be guessed, whereas others can be measured by a measuring tape.
  3. Each distance should be accurately measured, accurately converted according to the scale chosen, and then marked on the sketch.
  4. Each distance should be accurately measured, may be approximately converted to scale, and then marked in the sketch.


15. Assertion (A): The investigating officer collects physical evidence at the scene of a crime.

Reason (R): Because he is fully aware of how to save the evidence from getting contaminated, lost, or scratched.

  1. (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong
  2. Both (A) and (R) are correct
  3. (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct
  4. Both (A) and (R) are wrong

Answer and Explanation

16. Prof. Simon Newcomb has given the:

  1. Law of Mutual Exchange
  2. Law of Individuality
  3. Law of comparison
  4. Law of Probability

Answer and Explanation

17. Bite marks help in personal identification using which of these types of evidence?

A. Saliva
B. Lip Prints
C. Teeth Marks

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. A, B, and C only
  2. B, C, and D only
  3. A, B, and D only
  4. A, C, and D only

Answer and Explanation

18. Choose the correct answer for the steps of investigation in proper sequence are:

  1. Protection of crime scene, interview of witness, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence
  2. Photography of crime scene, protection of crime scene, interview of witnesses, collection and dispatch of physical evidence.
  3. Protection of crime scene, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence, interview of witnesses
  4. Interview of witnesses, photography of crime scene, collection and dispatch of physical evidence, protection of crime scene


19. The correct sequence to be followed at a crime scene is

(A) Documentation
(B) Preservation
(C) Systematic search
(D) Preliminary scene examination
(E) Evidence collection

Choose the correct answer from the option given below

  1. (D), (C), (B), (A), (E)
  2. (D), (C), (A), (E), (B)
  3. (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)
  4. (C), (D), (A), (E), (B)


20. The CORRECT sequence regarding the basic concept of crime investigation is

A. Crime scene management
B. Discovery of crime
C. First officer response
D. Reconstriction of crime

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

  1. A, B, C, D
  2. C, B, A, D
  3. B, C, D, A
  4. B, C, A, D


21. What is the correct order of collecting physical evidence at the scene of the crime?

(a) Swabbing (b) Sweeping (c) Tape lifting (d) Vacuuming (e) Hand-picking

Code :

  1. (e), (c), (a), (b), (d)
  2. (b), (c), (e), (a), (d)
  3. (e), (a), (c), (b), (d)
  4. (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)


22. The date and location of the crime scene and a north heading on the diagram are the important criteria for the:

  1. microscopic examination of fibre
  2. Crime-scene sketch
  3. Firearm examination
  4. Preservation of forensic evidence


23. Which of the following is a primary characteristic of video recording of a crime scene?

  1. Direction can be determined on the basis of recording.
  2. A detailed view of the crime scene can be obtained.
  3. Voice must also be recorded along with the video.
  4. True dimensions of evidence can be determined from the recorded video.


Note: Jump to the main page of General Forensic Science MCQs.

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  1. Anchal bharti says:

    There is a confusion in question 11… medical officer take bullet outside from the body with hand or with metallic twizzler????

    1. As per Burkhard Madea, Handbook of Forensic Medicine, The recovery of the bullet should be done with great care; the use of metallic instruments such as tweezers has to be avoided because this could destroy micro traces on the surface of the bullet from firing in case of dead body. I also updated the explanation and listed the source.